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Monday, September 17, 2007

Hey!!! Listen up!!! were's me hat!!!!!

OK. U C this? That's wot some1 stole from me an I want it back. Got it!!!!!!! hehehehehe
I told ya where I saw it an no1 is even lookin. r u? Huh? go on admit it.
I told ya if u find it I'll give u somethin nice. Honest. Elves don't lie hehehehehehehe
R U gonna leave it to the froggy and the cat and the cat man 2 find it again this time. Some1 else must be lookin. Honest, I saw it on 1 of Santa's sites and I couldn't believe my eyes that some1 would actually nick my hat and wear it. Not nice!! hehehehehehehe
Of course if ur the guilty 1 u can always own up an I'll still give ya somethin.
Hey!! an wile I think of it that nice lady Christy gave me a nice badge that I stuck on the side with the other ones I got. NE1 else can give me stuff 2 ya no. Come on!! Make the elf feel loved hehehehehehehehehe
and wile ya at it will ya pweeeeze clickit if ya haven't already. Geez it's hard work sometimes. Clickit already will ya. I'll click ya back. Honest hehehehehehehehehe


Santa Claus said...

Ho! Ho! Ho! Elf. I've looked for your hat and I actually know who has it Ho! Ho! Ho! Very clever ☺

Thankyou for the butt message. delightful. Ho! Ho! Ho!

Santa ô¿ô

Gelombang Rakyat said...

A long time ago there was a cat, who is a good cook. He cooks for poor people and he cooks for the King. The King was my great grand dad. One day, the cat was cooking for visitors from China, where my maternal ancestors are from. As he was cooking, he placed the sendok around his waist belt. As the cookin gets cookin, he cannot find the sendok. He shouted and screamed as the cookin gets heated, overflowing, then becoming dry, and turned black. Since, everybody was looking for the sendok and cannot find it. The cookin get spoiled. As the cat set down, his paw touches the sendok that has been always around his waist belt. Jeng! Jeng!! Jeng!!! (sound effect) So you adorable little cute one, your hat is not at you orangy twins. Ne1 stole it. Your hat is on your head. Still. You are still wearing it. Hehehehehe! Gotcha! Show me your avatar without it, I go and search for it. As one President says recently, you can fool a man once that is full so you can fool the man who is full. Something like that, for exact joke, please watch video at You Tube. Click GB...not Gracie Belle, err George Bush, I think...Hehehehe!

Blog Elf said...

hey!! U think i'm stupid or somethin. They stole my best hat. I'm wearin my old ratty 1 at the moment. I gotta have me good 1 cause i'm classy. hehehehehehehehe

Christy said...

LoL, thank you mischievous little elf! :)

Unknown said...

go put some clothes back on.

cotojo said...

ooooooooooh cheeky little Elf now then :)

Now you've lost your underwear too!! I guess that's why we have got the FULL MOON treatment.

Is that your hat that froggie is wearing or is that to throw us off the scent.

Colin aka ghost

Kim said...

Elf ...your hat is in Copenhagen...
you left it there when you went to the Santa conference.......
so now you can put your clothes on PFC says.. :0

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Any elf that drops his drawers on his site deserves an award. (Even though the thought of this will haunt me forever)

I am going to give you one :-)

Speedcat Hollydale said...

...and now I did.