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Monday, October 22, 2007

Hey I got more stuff

Hey lookit the lady hoos tree fell in the lake gave me wooooo hoooooo

Don't ya just love stuff hehehehehehehehe ok listen up. u no wot happens wen the elf gets stuff. I want more !!!!!!! hehehehehehe so hoos gonna be 1st to make me like em. is it u? or U? or the sninny guy hidin up the back hopin I wouldn't see ya? comon GIVE ME STUFF!! hehehehehehhehe

ok wile I was away on another vacation makin myself look butiful 4 u I sa that u lot got me my 100 an that made me smile u no. But now ya left it with only 4 to 110 so wot's stoppin u hey? Speedy was real nice and I no he got me lots of peeple so good on ya speedy. ur ok with me. We're like blood brothers cept I'm better lookin heheheheheh only jokin speedy. Ur my fwiend :-)

Wile I'm at it u lot had better go to Santa elf Club or the Lady hoos tree fell in the lake's place cause I no they have a real good contest goin right now and I wanna no whos in it. U'd better get in it cause I'm watchin an if u don't send Santa a foto or a story u'll be sorry cause I'll hav 2 eat u like I'm gunna do 2 froggy but if she sends a foto in i won't eat her hehehehehe aint I nice hehehehe SO SENT UR STUFF 2 SANTA OR ELSE hehehehe

Hey Santa I didn't forget the stuff I haveta put here. I'm a good boy hehehehehe

Santa recommends: Santa’s Elf’s Club, Santa Mail, Santa’s Wish Tree, Write to Santa, Everyday Should Be Christmas, Santa's Link Love, Santa’s Community Blog, Book Project, Your Wisdom of Total Happiness, Zubli Zainordin, The Total Life, Hall of Fame, NoDirectOn (not:NoDirection), Marketing•Review, OgenDicht/EyesClosed, The Blog Elf, PurpleFrogCat Blog, PurpleFrogCat StumbleUpon, Polliwog's Pond, Carnival of Good Stuff, Polliwog's Stumbles, April Decheine 2006, I could write a book, April Decheine Wife and Mother, Santa's Magical Golden Cat, Comedy Plus,


Unknown said...

go ahead and try to eat me..i ain`t putting any pictures up except for my kids...bite me elf!go ahead and try...

Blog Elf said...

hey I already got a pitcha of u ne way so I mite send it 2 Santa 4 ya. Ok? would ya like that Froggy hehehehehehhehehehehehehe

Unknown said...

i would love to see this picture you have elf..go ahead and send my little friend.i dare you...bite me..ribbit,ribbit,ribbit..

Jackie said...

Sorry it took me so long to answer but we were on a terribly bouncy road in Nebraska and I couldn't get anything done....I am glad you are still wearing your hat. Are you taking cae of your horse and cow like a good little elf?:-)

Jackie said...

And I am trying really hard to think of a Christmas to write about there...I am a good little girl. But,sorry no pictures...they are all at home. So pwease don't eat me...okay? Congrats on your award!!

Crazed Nitwit said...

Welcome Back Mr. Elf! If I may say so, you are looking very handsome today. So are you going to bite the frog? I suggest boiling her before you bite~tastes better that way. Here's a gift for you~{{{{{HUGS}}}}}

Speedcat Hollydale said...

Grow a beard and we'll be TWINS!
BTW...I wrote a post just for you at Santa's house @ N Pole

Hoo hoo he he he hoo hooo ha ha ha hooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 2 3 4 5 yodaleyhehooooo 7

Blog Elf said...

hey speedy ya reckon I should grow a beard? I'll look like a frog santa aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh hehehehehehehe I like the picha :-) hehehehehehe

hey lemonade lady y r u bouncing up the road? hehehehe eeeeeeeeeekkk
oooops yep I'm lookin after me cow and me horse. I won't even eat them honest. I can taste frogs legs hehehehehehhehe don't worry i'll find a pitcha 4 ya ok hehehehehehe

Blog Elf said...

hey u quack me up duck lady hehehehehe but I like ya hehehehe do I get somethin now cause I'm nice? hehehehehehe

wooo hooo. love th hugz do ya smoooch 2? hehehehehehehe

letz have a vote on how 2 cook the frog hehehehehehehe

Anonymous said...

Ahight, Elf. This one done did it.

If I follow you home will you keep me? Frog legs n me git along jes fine. I don't care who they came attached to, by golly.

Princess with significant experience with Princes, seeks frog...errr, elf.

cotojo said...

Welcome back Elfy,

Now then, I already did my picture for you need to pick on someone your own size :)

Be careful stuffing them frogs legs we don't want you croakin' it just yet do we?

I added ya in a post to get some more clickity clickity for ya, and if ya got yhe time ya can Check
it out here

Kim said...

hey Elf....
great to see you back :);
I'm giving you 10/10 for this post
big smooches.......

Unknown said...

the elf needs 3 more to join this blog before he comes back..please join and all will be well with him..thanks..

cotojo said...

Hi not mooning again are ya?

That reminds got a gift here when you not too busy scaring people and stuffing on frogs legs :)

the ghosteeeee man